Otaru Orgel Museum Hokkaido


Located on Sakaimachi Street, this museum is a definitely must go place in Hokkaido. Why? Because it’s just simply beautiful escpecially for a person like me who goes nuts on candles and music box(don’t blame me).

One of the main reasons my mom chose Otaru Orgel Museum as our first destination on Hokkaido wasn’t a coincidence. She knew this place from our adventurous uncle. He went to this place before and bought so many music boxes and I have to be honest: it’s the most beautiful music box I’ve ever seen. The design and music really make you feel like you're in a magical story. I remember the moment he returned with a music box(and I assumed it to be very expensive since it was quite big and the wood was already saying that it’s a expensive item) and played it for me: bam. Since that day forward, everytime I feel bored at home, I would sneak into my uncle’s room quietly and play a music box. It’s just sounds beautiful.

Here what it sounds like:

And finally, after years(okay it’s just 2 years actually), I finally got the chance to see this place by my own eyes! Mom if you’re reading this I want to say thank you so much muah muah muah.

 Otaru Orgel Museum is just on the corner of the street. Beautifully wrapped in an old style, the building itself already makes you feel the vintage vibes.

Inside the building you will find yourself lost in the twinkling sounds and lights. All the music boxes beautifully placed makes you just want to buy it all, bring it home, and turn your house into a music box wonderland.

From all of my Japan photo library, I like this one best. Thank you Canon for making a amateur look like a professional photographer.

The teddy bear is just too cute.

Me and my not so good fashion.

The necklace omg, so preety (cost around 1300yen)

Colourful angel music statue(?)

If any of you are reading this, I recommend buying this for your girlfriend and me. I guarantee your girlfriend will get teary, hug you, and why me? Simply because I just give you the best present advice haha there's nothing free in this world ;)

Don’t wave at me meao

Yes I would love to have that strawberry Mr. Squirrel

Beautiful lamp.

Another lamp.

For some of you, if you’re wondering specifically what the price is, I’m afraid I can’t help you since I’m so busy wasting my time making video :”) and I don’t want to make myself sad knowing the price(since I’m a proud cipe). The only thing I remember is that this little music box above cost 1080 yen (it used plastic and very small) so maybe you can estimate yourself how other price is and of course glass, wood, bigger size makes everything much more expensive.

Maybe I can only guide you far as here. If you guys plan to go to this place, you can visit their website: http://www.otaru-orgel.co.jp/english/e_main.html

And because I’m such a camera dork, I also made a video. Please make sure you watch this because the editing part is killing me haha no I’m just joking. I had fun making this.

Bye all and thank you for reading my long and filled with grammatical errors writing.

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